Mulch is not available at this time.
Photo/Andrew Shurtleff Photography, LLC
4576 Dick Woods Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Phone: (434) 295-3306
For detailed directions, click here.
Regular Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: CLOSED
*Please allow sufficient time to unload before closing time*
2025 Holiday Closings:
- New Years’ Day – Jan 1
- Memorial Day – May 26
- Independence Day – July 4
- Labor Day – Sept 1
- Thanksgiving Day – Nov 27
- Christmas Day – Dec 25
Minimum Disposal Charge
Albemarle County residents and businesses: $6.00 plus $1.00 service fee
Non-Albemarle County residents and businesses: $6.00 plus $10.00 service fee
Payment Options: We accept credit card, cash, check or previously opened accounts at the Ivy Material Utilization Center.
New Accounts can only be opened through the Main Office at Moores Creek. For more information about creating a new account, contact the Accounts Receivable Technician at 434-977-2970 ext. 180.
Items Accepted at the Convenience Centers
- Aluminum Beverage Cans
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Mixed Paper
- Plastic Films
- #1 Plastic Containers
- #2 Plastic Containers
- Office Paper
- Glass
- Newsprint
- Mixed Metals
- Motor Oil
- Antifreeze
- Compostable Food Waste
- Tag-a-bag Refuse
For a full list of items accepted at each facility, please visit the Recyclable Accepted page.
Styrofoam is NOT accepted at any recycling location.
Program Services
Daily Paint Collection at Ivy SWRC

Paint Collection at Ivy SWRC
Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center offers paint collection on a daily basis in order to better serve our customers’ needs and eliminate long lines at our popular Fall and Spring Household Hazardous Waste days. The RSWA board approved this change, and we began accepting paint in August of 2016. Note: due to traffic and staffing during our Household Hazardous Waste Days, patrons with paint only will be routed through the Household Hazardous Waste lanes. Paint brought on normal operation days will check in with the scale house and be directed over to the tipping floor area for disposal.
Paint Collection Guidelines
- Latex and Oil-Based Paints
- 1 Gallon, 5 Gallon, Quarter Gallon Containers
- Must Be in Original Paint Cans
NOT ACCEPTING: These items are classified as Household Hazardous Waste. Please dispose of those items at our Spring or Fall Household Hazardous Waste Days.
- Spray Paint
- Paint-related products
- Adhesives (Glue, Putty, Caulk)
- Paint Removers, Thinners, or Solvents
- Sealants
- Wood Preservatives
Citizens Convenience Center
Located below the scale house, the Convenience Center includes easy drop-off for some recyclables, compostable food waste, household waste and bag or receptacle contained trash. The Convenience Center is staffed for those citizens who bring their own bagged trash and recyclables to the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center.
For a nominal fee, 32 gallon trash bags with trash stickers may be deposited at a waste container located at the Convenience Center (turn right on road prior to the scale house). Each bag (up to 32 gallons in size) must have a RSWA sticker.
Tag-a-Bag stickers can be purchased at the Ivy scale house. TAG-A-BAG STICKERS are $2.00/one or a sheet of 12 for $24.00/each. Bags or cans larger than 32 gallons or loose items must cross the scales.
Mail Order Tag-A-Bag Stickers
Mail Order Tag-a-Bag Stickers Purchases are available Starting on June 15, 2020.
If interested, customers should include the following information:
- Make out checks, payable to “Rivanna Solid Waste Authority” in the amount of $24 per 12 stickers (or multiples thereof), please write “Tag-A-Bag” in the check memo section.
- Send checks to: Rivanna Solid Waste Authority Tag-a-Bag Stickers, 695 Moores Creek Lane Charlottesville, VA 22902
- Include, with your check, the Mail Order Form or write your mailing address and contact information on a sheet of paper
Mail Order sticker purchases may take up to 10 business days to complete.
Stickers may also be purchased at the Scale House at the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center during normal operating hours.
• Residents may also drop their newspaper, magazine, catalog and cardboard recyclables in the recycling containers.
• RSWA collects certain limited household hazardous waste (HHW) materials at the Solid Waste & Recycling Center from residents of Charlottesville and Albemarle County: Motor oil, antifreeze.
For a full list of recyclable items accepted at each facility, please visit the Recyclable Accepted page.
Please do not bring hot or smoldering items to the Ivy SWRC.
Used Cooking Oil

Used Cooking Oil
Located under the roofed shelter next to the Compostable Food Waste, RSWA maintains a 300-gallon covered bin for collecting Used Cooking Oil. Used Cooking Oil consists of cooking oils and flowable fats and greases. Keeping these materials out of community sewer and septic systems helps avoid costly maintenance to keep these systems operating smoothly.
Materials that we collect in this bin are taken to a facility and composted for disposal. Please do not put solids (plastic containers, bones, paper towels, etc., in the container). Bones and solidified fats and greases can be placed in the Compostable Food Waste Bin.
Household Food Waste Drop Off

Household food scraps for composting
Compostables must be brought in compostable bags (not regular plastic trash bags). Good news: we have free three-gallon compostable bags on site. You can also find the bags (brand name “Biobags”) at Kroger, and Whole Foods.
NO YARD WASTE will be accepted. NO COMMERCIAL FOOD WASTE or NON-COMPOSTABLES will be accepted.
Questions about acceptable items or how to compost? Visit our Composting FAQ page
Learn more about composting from the City of Charlottesville’s Composting Program
Bulk compost is for sale at the Ivy SWRC at a price of $75 per ton. This compost material, Commercial Compost, is locally produced by Panorama Paydirt in Earlysville, Virginia. This compost material is produced from locally derived compostable food wastes (including compostable food waste collected at our McIntire Recycling Center). All composts produced at Panorama Paydirt follow standards set by the VA Department of Environmental Quality and regularly monitored and tested following recommendations by the US Composting Council. More information can be found at
RSWA produces a top-grade mulch product by recycling wood waste that is brought to the Ivy SWRC. Stumps, brush, and other usable organic debris, which would otherwise be landfilled, are ground into mulch. Magnets remove nails and other metal fragments to further refine our mulch product. Free Mulch is available to the general public.
Call the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center at (434) 295-3306 to check on mulch availability.
Mulch is not available at this time.
Encore Shop
Encore Shop
Check out our Encore Shop, located adjacent to the RSWA Maintenance Shop. Businesses and private citizens are encouraged to drop off reusable items such as old doors, windows, sinks, 2 X 4’s, non-upholstered furniture, computers, and the list goes on*! Normal disposal fees will apply to any items brought in. The items are then available for resale to the general public for a nominal fee. Second-hand items can vary on a day-to-day basis. Your participation in the program helps conserve valuable landfill space and brings revenue to RSWA.
*Bedding and upholstered furniture are not accepted.
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Bulky Waste Days
HHW and Bulky Waste Days are held each fall and spring. Visit the HHW page for details and upcoming dates.